The Cape Neddick Baptist Church has a strong commitment to providing our young ones with a firm foundation in the Christian faith. We do our best to show the love of our Lord Jesus Christ through all our interactions. We have Sunday classes for all age groups (starting up again in January) and offer junior church and nursery care during the Sunday Worship services. We provide summer camperships and have a scholarship program for youth attending institutions of higher education. Each July we hold a Vacation Bible School. Youth and adult volunteers gather for a time of learning, making new friends, and enjoying games, crafts and snacks. In the autumn, activities include the filling and wrapping of shoe boxes for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child.
The 2019 Vacation Bible School at the CNBC raised more than $400 to buy chairs for the Tuungane School in Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where our missionary Ann Clemmer is part of a team in a Sunday School that serves more than 500 children.